— Testimony from Bro. V. John Babu

Family Background

Heartfull greetings to you in the gracious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. My name is Pastor V. John Babu (Bulli Babu before conversion) came from a strong Hindu family. All my forefathers were Hindus. I was born in 1979 to my parents Mr. & Mrs. Ramamurthy Naidu (Paul).


When I was in third grade, I had a desire to study in a residential school. But I was supposed to write an entrance exam for the same. To get my seat I prayed to God Hanuman (Hindu God) I got a seat. I offered my hair to this God as a thankful gesture. I was a strong believer.

But my faith in God has soon disappeared. When I was in 4th grade I heard the news that God Hanuman did not appear to a family who earnestly fasted and prayed. It was also reported in the Newspaper that the family which prayed to this God has committed suicide because he did not appear. I began to doubt the existence of God.

Again when I was in 6th grade my physics teacher said that there was no God. All these experiences led me to believe that there is no God. I became an atheist. My life from then on went in the wrong direction. I addicted to drugs and involved in gang wars and there was no Sin that I didn’t commit. It became worse when I was 18 years. I was forced to leave my town because of all the trouble I gave to my family because of my lifestyle. No one wanted me.

I left Hyderabad in my sister’s place. My sister took me to church. The brother (pastor) in the church shared the gospel with me and asked me a find question. The question was “where will you go if you die tonight, Hell or Heaven”. That made me sleepless for the whole night. The Lord showed me all the sins that I had committed from my childhood that night on a white wall. From the next morning, I have decided to go to heaven.

I participated in a Youth Meeting which was held at BHEL’s Kalyana Mandapam in Hyderabad from September 30 to October 2, 1998. At that Youth Meeting, I asked Jesus Christ, “Lord, if you are the true God, show me your presence.” On the last day of those meetings, on the 2nd of October, 1998, God filled me with His strong fire anointing, so that the Lord gave me a new mind. That same day, the heart of Jesus, the true God, confessed with the medicine of my heart and confessed with my mouth the water baptism.

After that day in the next six months, I was encouraged day and night from the scriptures. At the end of six months for 7days, day after day I had visions. In my vision, a man with white robes uses to come at 4:00 am and wake me up. It followed by a voice saying “Get up and Pray”.

On the 7th day that is in April 2009, the man and two more men came to me at 4:00 am. I began to speak to them for 20 minutes. My main question to the man in my vision was ” what is needed for a servant of God and a believer to go to heaven”, I got the response from the man in white robes that, ‘As backbone is needed for a man to stand straight, so is Holiness is needed for a servant of God or a believer to go to heaven. The man asked me to have holiness and do ministry. My call was confirmed many times by other servants of God.

After my call was confirmed by the word of God. I did my Bachelor of Theology from Serampore University from 2003 to 2007. After my training, I was helping my father Pastor V.Paul in his ministry.

I could learn in many ways practically how to do personal Evangelism, house visiting, personal & family counseling and conducting prayer cells. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, I have decided to start a church in a new place. In the year 2007, we have started our new church.

God gave us a ministry named “Calvary Jwala Ministries” here in India. Through this ministry, many people are being healed spiritually, physically and are being strengthened in spirit by the word of God.


  • By personally proclaiming the gospel of God through personal evangelism, many people accept the Lord and embrace the Kingdom of God.
  • Preparing for the coming of God by strengthening them spiritually through prayer cells.
  • Empowering them with personal and family counseling for them on personal and family issues.
  • A powerful ministry among youth is being done by giving them clear biblical guidance, in different aspects of their personal life. Moreover encouraging and strengthening them to deepen their walk with God.